About Electric Urban Cruisers

Electric Urban Cruisers
Electric eTrike

Why Electric Urban Cruisers exists

Electric Urban Cruisers is here because at the ripe old age of sixty-five, after spending a solid decade on my behind, I had ballooned up to a hefty 309 pounds. It was a real wake-up call when I struggled to put on my pants standing up. My legs decided to stage a rebellion and refused to cooperate. The left leg? Sure, it could make it to the first leg hole. But the right leg? Nope, it just couldn’t reach the necessary height to complete the mission. Was I doomed to sitting down just to get dressed? Oh, the humiliation!

That’s when my doctor dropped the bomb: exercise! Yeah, right. I knew I had to shed some pounds, but the idea of doing anything strenuous was terrifying. So, I reluctantly started walking. Let me tell you, carrying all that extra weight was like carrying a grumpy elephant on my back. My lower back ached, and I huffed and puffed like a wheezing steam engine. Even a short walk required pit stops along the way. Ugh, I despised it.

Desperate for a better solution, I had a brilliant idea: a bicycle! Pedaling seemed like a breeze compared to the torture of walking. But oh boy, was I wrong. Mounting the bike was like attempting a circus act (cue the clowns), and my balance was about as stable as a one-legged tightrope walker. I probably would’ve crashed and burned spectacularly if I had attempted a serious ride.

So, I went back to the drawing board in search of an alternative. And there it was, shining like a beacon of hope: a pedal-assisting ebike! This could be my salvation on those pesky uphill battles that even a gear-equipped bicycle couldn’t conquer. Of course, I couldn’t help but think, “Now I can be unstable at even higher speeds—what could possibly go wrong?”

After some thorough research, I stumbled upon the holy grail of stability: an etrike. Unfortunately, those things were more expensive than a trip to the moon. Seriously, folks, it’s just one extra wheel! I wasn’t about to empty my bank account for an etrike that might end up as a fancy dust collector in my nonexistent garage. What a pickle!

But fear not, dear readers, for I have done the hard work for you. I’ve scoured the internet, pored over countless reviews, and finally discovered an etrike that didn’t break the bank. And that’s why I felt compelled to create this website—to help others find their perfect ebike or etrike at a perfect price! If it gets you off the couch and into the great outdoors for some exercise, my mission will be accomplished.

So hop on, buckle up, and enjoy the ride of your life! Just remember to bring a sense of humor along for the wild journey.

Randy Lyons